Mrs B
The experience was liberating. Stripped of artifice there is nothing between you and the camera. The lights and the glare highlight everything and there is nothing whatever to hide behind. As a result, there is immense freedom in learning to be yourself in the space, just who you are, wobbly bits and all.
The Story
What was your first reaction to the project?
When I first heard about the project I thought it would be a bit of a laugh to take part. Then I realised that it was far more about needing to confront some of my own issues about gravity and growing older. Needing to see myself older, wiser but no less perfect.
Why did you decide to take part?
Ten years ago before I had children I had some photos taken so that when I was old and gray, I could look back and see myself as I was young, naive and hopeful.
What about your body are you most comfortable with?
I am a woman, so asking what part of my body I am most comfortable with is a loaded question. If I have to give an answer I suppose legs. It used to be boobs but then gravity kicked in a vengeance.
What are you most uncomfortable with?
A baby belly that never quite disappeared and the ravages of time on everything - scars, ripples, bumps. The imperfect bits. The wobbly ones.
Can you describe the experience and did you enjoy it?
The experience was liberating. Stripped of artifice there is nothing between you and the camera. The lights and the glare highlight everything and there is nothing whatever to hide behind. As a result, there is immense freedom in learning to be yourself in the space, just who you are, wobbly bits and all.